Periocampus Highlights - March 18, 2022
Who would have thought a year ago, as we were launching our first issue of the Periocampus Herald, that ahead of us was such a ... special year?
We had been forced - whether we liked it or not - to adapt to a totally different lifestyle. We were forced to play sports in our living room; to wear on a daily basis an accessory we were used to only in our professional setting, the mask; we downloaded every available food delivery application out there; we met others almost exclusively through a screen; we were forced to go out only when strictly necessary. However, in this strange year, there is one aspect that has not changed or, I would even venture to say, that it even increased: the desire to continue learning. And we at Periocampus didn't want to leave you without the opportunity to make your dream come true! Because as Mahatma Gandhi said,
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

In the months of May Periocampus is heading to Croatia, to the beautiful city of Zagreb, for the first Periocampus International course of the year - the full-immersion theoretical and practical course focused on non-surgical periodontal therapy.

Periocampus is a course different from all the others, and cannot be considered a simple training course. It is an experience, it is a journey, it is a campus. It is a place where hygienists and dentists get to know each other, exchange opinions and, above all, meet new friends with whom to share the same passions. We are talking about a 3-day course where half of the program is dedicated to theoretical lessons, but most of the time is left to pure practice. The professors' vision is very clear “Practice is fundamental and constitutes an integral - if not essential - part of the learning process of Periocampus, as it allows to fix the theoretical concepts learned in the classroom. Before returning to the dental office, our professionals must experience periodontology first hand”.

It doesn’t matter if you are a dentist or a dental hygienist, if you are recently graduated or you have many years of experience behind you. This course is entirely appropriate for those that are novel to Periodontology , but also for experienced clinicians, which will build upon their knowledge and further practice their dexterity through innovative and unique hands-on practicals of the Periocampus method. The course is suitable for both dentists and dental hygienists and therapists.
After Periocampus, I am confident about making the right (clinical) decision - Victoria Wilson
Check the video of Victoria Wilson, one of our Periocampus participants.
What do our clinicians bring home after Periocampus?
Coming back to your practice after Periocampus will help you be autonomous in understanding each periodontal clinical case and setting up an appropriate, individualised treatment plan. You will learn to choose the right tools and techniques to carry out successful periodontal instrumentation.
Watch Professor Graziani’s video, the founder and speaker at Periocampus.
Discover more about the programme here and join us at the Periocampus International in Zagreb!
Just a few places available!
Do you want to be part of our community? Write to us or visit
Watch out for the next issues of the Periocampus Herald to discover other news arriving in the coming months - a year full of surprises is ahead of us!
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook - @periocampusinternational.