
This disclaimer applies to the contents of the website “herald.periocampus.com” (hereinafter the “Site”) and is valid for all users and visitors of the Site.

The contents of the Site are for information purposes only, they can be changed or removed at any time, and in no case can they constitute the formulation of a diagnosis, the prescription of a treatment or a therapeutic advice.

The information contained in the Site does not intend and must in no way replace the doctor-patient direct relationship, the specialist visit or the trust relationship between colleagues. It is therefore recommended to always contact your dentist and/or specialists in the dental sector in relation to the diagnosis, prescription or surveillance during the treatment and in any case with respect to any information contained in the Site.

This Site is mainly addressed to practitioners and professionals in the dental sector. Any possible reference to medicines, devices, materials or products for dentistry contained in the articles published on the Site must not in any way be understood as messages of an advertising nature or which intend to encourage the use of medicines, devices, materials or products for dentistry mentioned by the Authors.